11 x 14"
Acrylic on canvas
Love is love.
Some paintings really are happy accidents. Having mastered monochrome fake ink washes with my acrylics, I challenged myself to do a multicolored wash. As both "Thoughts, Fly Away" and "Harbinger" featured my favorite female model S. Alessandrini, I thought I'd use my favorite male model B. Samani-Sprunk for this one. Likewise, as the previous paintings featured dark birds, I chose white doves. If the pose looks familiar, that's because it's the same one (albeit differently cropped) that I used for "Make-Shift Angel XX: Kiss the Rain." The pose, itself, began as one of the reference options for "Pray Standing III," and the quiet strength I wanted for that piece really came through here. It's rare that I start a painting without first knowing its name or what its going to be, but this is such a one, and in the end everything came together to mean something more.
All artwork and graphics are property of the artist and are not to be reproduced without permission.
Artwork and text © Arden Ellen Nixon