Arden Ellen Nixon: Paintings--Portraits

"Rasputin is to blame," I say when asked what inspired my black and white portrait series. One day during my morning walk, my mind's eye was overcome with the image of Rasputin's face emerging from the dark--I couldn't get home to paint fast enough. Next came Vlad, then my love of Egypt, then my favorite authors.... My colliding passions for literature, history, and art had a shared goal, at last!

On the other end of the color spectrum are my "Pride" portraits. The model from the first "Pride" and several other friends suggested expanding it into a series, so here we are! People are people, love is love, and it's an honor to paint both friends and strangers alike.

To see or learn more about a painting, just click on the image provided. Please e-mail me concerning any artwork that you are interested in, barring "Not For Sale" pieces. I, too, have my favorites!

Pride Series

History Series
I'm still researching my next subject--check back often for new work!

All artwork and graphics are property of the artist and are not to be reproduced without permission.

Artwork and text © Arden Ellen Nixon