Paintings: Make-Shift Angel XX: Kiss the Rain

"Make-Shift Angel XX: Kiss the Rain"
10 x 14"
Acrylic on canvas
Not For Sale
Make-Shift Angel, the novel, is now available!


When I painted my first "Make-Shift Angel" back in 2007, I didn't expect it to become a series, but time has proven otherwise. Indeed, they are my favorite paintings of my own and are quite often the most personal. Sometimes, an idea will toss and turn for months at a stretch; this time, a particular song came on while I was going over possible poses, and the idea was both immediate and clear. My thanks to B. Samani-Sprunk for modeling.

Kiss the rain
Whenever you need me
Kiss the rain
Whenever I'm gone, too long.
If your lips
Feel lonely and thirsty
Kiss the rain
And wait for the dawn.
Keep in mind
We're under the same sky
And the nights
As empty for me, as for you
If ya feel
You can't wait till morinin'
Kiss the rain
Kiss the rain
Kiss the rain

--"Kiss the Rain," Billie Myers

All artwork and graphics are property of the artist and are not to be reproduced without permission.

Artwork and text © Arden Ellen Nixon