Paintings: Make-Shift Angel XXII: Ex Libris

"Make-Shift Angel XXII: Ex Libris"
9 x 12"
Acrylic on canvas
Not For Sale
Make-Shift Angel, the novel, is now available!

Once upon a time....

When I painted my first "Make-Shift Angel" back in 2007, I didn't expect it to become a series, but time has proven otherwise. Indeed, they are my favorite paintings of my own and are quite often the most personal. The first angel was inspired by a dream that became a novella, and every angel since has told their own tale via scars and stitches. It was only a matter of time before one took charge of the chronicle. My thanks to B. Samani-Sprunk for modeling.

All artwork and graphics are property of the artist and are not to be reproduced without permission.

Artwork and text © Arden Ellen Nixon